Football League Registration and Club Membership

STEP 1: League registration 

Please confirm your 2025 AGE GROUP.

Select the option that best describes the type of player you are:

Existing or returning players (Not played for any other club)

> To begin – hit “Register” and then “Get Started”

Existing players will already have a current Play HQ account. Log in to your Play HQ account, locate the name you are looking for, and complete the registration steps. Please do not make a new profile if you have played previously.

New player – Never played football before

You must make a new Play HQ account (if you haven’t already got one through another sport). Use the SMSC Club link. Complete the Play HQ account and registration process.

Transferring from Auskick

The League has a minimum age for footballers to begin in Under 9 – children must be born on or before 30/04/18 to play in season 2025.

You will need to use the SMSC Club link and create a new Play HQ account or log in to your existing account, and complete the registration.

St Mary’s Link:

New or returning player (played with another club/s)

You must request a player clearance if you have played for another club and want to register with SMSC.

The process with Play HQ is that the player is responsible for lodging the transfer. Player clearances will re-open on the 1st of February 2025.

Steps to register and apply for a clearance:

Log in to your Play HQ account using the SMSC Club link.

SMSC link: 

Complete the registration, and then once the system recognises the player via name, DOB, and gender, you will receive a pop-up message stating: “You’re attempting to register to a new club. You will need to submit a transfer request to proceed.”

NOTE: Do not continue if you do not receive this message. Please email and provide your name, DOB, PlayHQ number, and previous Club name. Wait for assistance.

If you receive the pop-up message, click on “Get Started”, and you will receive the following information about the next steps.

“Your request will now be reviewed by your current club, new club and associations. You will receive an email notification indicating your request was “approved” or “declined”.

If approved, your registration to your current club will be cancelled, and you will be asked to complete your registration for your new club (SMSC). When complete, select “submit transfer request”. 

If declined, you should inform SMSC by emailing with details and contact your current club to discuss. 

NOTE: If you experience difficulties at any time, please email and our Club volunteers will be in touch as soon as possible.

STEP 1 is now complete. Continue to Step 2 to pay for your club membership. 

STEP 2: Selecting and paying Club membership 

To renew or select your Club Membership, visit our online membership store or check your email inbox for a renewal notice.