St Mary’s Weekly Draw is back for season 2023
- Maximum 100 tickets sold.
- 20 weeks – $20 per week. (Can share a ticket with a friend)
- 1st prize – $500 * 15 weeks / $1000 * 5 weeks (May 4, June 1, July 6, Aug 3, Sept 7)
- 2nd Prize – $100 bar / canteen voucher
- 3rd prize – $50 bar / canteen voucher
Other mystery prizes along the way.
Draw every Thursday night at approx. 8pm after meals and just prior to teams being read out.
We will commence Thursday 13 April with 2 draws, after all tickets sold. Ticket holders receive first drink for free on a Thursday night with teas.
To lock in your ticket please email or message:
- Kevin McMahon 0457 507 202
- Matt Williams 0438 779 728 OR
- Email
Payment – you can pay Kevin or Matt on a Thursday night or home game OR you can set up a weekly direct deposit of $20 per week OR pay full amount to following bank account. For reference please put for name and weekly draw e.g. Jock McM weekly draw.
St Marys Sporting Club Geelong
BSB 063 871
Acct 10110728