PLAY4BCNA Pink Sports Day 10, 11 and 12 May 2024

St Mary’s is turning pink on Friday 10th, Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th of May, 2024, to show support for our mums, grandmothers, aunties, sisters, as well as males in our lives and others in the local community who have been affected by breast cancer.  

  • Our senior and junior netballers will wear pink ribbons and make a cold coin donation. 
  • Our senior female footballers will purchase and wear pink socks. 
  • All other footballers will wear pink armbands and make a gold coin donation.

Join us for Pink Sports Day activities, including:

Cake Stall
We will have a cake stall at the netball course from 9 am until it is sold out. All cakes are $4 each.


Tickets for our Pink Sports Raffle will be available throughout the day. They are $5 each, 3 for $10, and 7 for $20. Prizes will be drawn during the afternoon tea. 

Afternoon tea
We invite all women at the club to join us for the afternoon tea in the clubrooms from 3pm. Gold coin donation.

You can also help us raise money! We have pink caps, wristbands for purchase at the canteen, and donation tins. You can also donate online via our online page.

We look forward to supporting this wonderful initiative and supporting the Play 4 BCNA Pink Sports Round!