Female football
St Mary’s has enjoyed seven successful seasons of female football in the AFL Barwon League. In 2025, we are looking to consolidate our female football program and build on fundamental strength, conditioning, injury prevention and football skills relevant to each age group whilst working towards mentoring more women into coaching football at our club.
We have engaged experienced and skilled coaches, trainers and team managers to look after these teams and steer them to achieve a healthy and happy sporting environment for young women to play female football and make friends in a social sporting setting.
It’s not too late to jump on board if you want to try footy – we are still in pre-season training to get players match-ready. Our competition is starting in late April and finishing in early August.
New players can complete an Expression of interest form
St Mary’s will be fielding teams in the following age groups for the 2025 season:
- Under 18 – Born 2007 & 2008
- Under 16 – Born 2009 & 2010
- Under 14 – Born 2011 & 2012
- Under 12 – Born 2013 & 2014
- Under 10 – Born 2015
- Under 9 – Born 2016, 2017 or must be born on or before 30/4/18 (minimum age)
Junior teams Wednesday 4:30 pm – 6.00pm
- Senior women Monday and Wednesday 6 to 7:30 pm
New Under 9 and Under 10
We welcome all players of every ability. We are an inclusive Club and want as many junior players as possible to have the opportunity to experience Aussie Rules Football and play and learn in a fun and supportive environment.
Contact details
Please contact our coordinators if you would like to discuss the best options for your child in 2025.
- Under 9 – Amy Barnett amy.b91@hotmail.com
- Under 10 & 12 – Melissa Moore mags_574@hotmail.com
- Under 14 & Under 16 – Georgina Hayden georgehayden77@gmail.com
- Under 18 – Tiff Allchin – tiffany.allchin@justice.vic.gov.au
Female Football Directors
If you have any questions, contact :
- Seniors: Alf Della Monica at dellamonicaalf@gmail.com
- Juniors: Tiffany Allchin at tiffany.allchin@justice.vic.gov.au
Read our latest female football news:
Volunteer opportunities
We are looking for:
- Home Game Canteen Roster
- Sunday Sport Roster
- AFL Home Game Canteen Roster
- Bar Assistance
- Junior Football assistance
- Junior Netball assistance
About our program
Our program, starting with girls Auskick, provides a great avenue for any girl who strives to chase the elite pathway through to VFLW and AFLW but is equally a great opportunity for someone just wanting to try a new sport. Limited skills and/or fitness are not a barrier to starting playing or being part of our club as a sportsperson, volunteer and club member. Given female football is in its early stages of development in our region, we encourage any young girls and women to come and give footy a go and be a part of this amazing phase in women’s sport.