COVID – check in procedure

As part of operating a Covid Safe Club and environment, it is a requirement that all persons attending St Marys sign in accordingly. As a result the club board have worked to simplify this process.

The club now has its own QR code registered with appropriate government agencies, this will now be the main and preferred method for all attending the club to use when signing in. QR codes have been placed around the perimeter of the club rooms, in the change rooms and inside the club for ease of access.

There will also be manual Sign in Registers for those without mobile devices. Coaches will also have a QR code to scan in the area of the precinct they are using for training.

Please follow the directions below at any time you are attending the Club or training sessions.

Players Attending Training.
All players with a mobile device should use the Covid QR code to sign in on arrival at the club or training venue. If you do not have a mobile device, then you must see your coach and sign in manually. It is the players responsibility to ensure they have signed in prior to commencing training.

For Junior Players football and netball (Auskick to U11 age groups), it is the parents responsibility to ensure they sign their child/children into training using either the QR code or the manual form with coaches.

Parents /Visitors to the Club.
If you are attending to watch training and are not going into the club rooms, then no need to register. Please maintain social distancing guidelines. If you are participating and assisting training in any way, please register using the Covid QR code or manual sign in register. If you are attending and entering the club rooms, please sign in using the QR Code and use the hand sanitiser available on entry.

Thanks for your assistance with this

St Marys Sporting Club Board